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How fitness helps with mental health

Did you know that over 10% of the population struggles with a mental health disorder?

That means over 1 in every 10 people we see daily is struggling with something we may not be able to see from the outside, but that is so so difficult to combat on the inside.

More likely than not, you, or a close family member or friend, struggles with some kind of mental health disorder.

I happen to be one of those people.

At age 16 I was diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder and clinical depression. I struggled daily with simply coping with day-to-day things.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. A few specific things have helped me greatly in my coping journey including going to therapy, journaling, and my personal favorite, working out.

What we will be focusing on today will be 3 ways that working out helped ME and can help YOU combat the negative symptoms of anxiety and depression, along with various other mental health disorders.

As a personal trainer and nutritionist, and a behavioral modification specialist, I am SO passionate about finding healthy ways to cope through moving my body! Here are 3 reasons why...

1. Physical Fitness releases the "feel-good" hormones and promotes positive changes in the brain!

Exercise has been PROVEN to promote neural growth reduced inflammation. It has also been proven to release endorphins which are powerful chemicals in our brain that promote feel good feelings and energy! Exercise relieves tension and stress and overall boosts your brain and body's ability to cope with whatever mental health disorder you may be struggling with.

2. Working out allows you to have one thing in your life that you have COMPLETE control over and is able to provide you with feelings of accomplishment.

One of the main negative feelings I suffered from during bouts of anxiety and depression was a lack of control. I didn't feel that I had control over what was going on in my head. But the gym was one place I had complete control. I controlled which exercises I did. I controlled how many sets and reps I would complete. I controlled the amount of weight that would be lifted that day. Having one thing in our lives that we have COMPLETE control over is so beneficial for our feelings of stability, and once completed, our feelings of accomplishment. This, combatting the negative feelings of chaos and failure.

3. Lastly, Exercise is one of the most neglected forms of healthy coping strategies that are utilized today to combat mental health.

Exercise is a productive form of coping. It does not cause us harm, it does not cause functional or mental regression, and you are positively impacting your OVERALL health when taking part in it. This is HUGELY important considering some of the most common forms of "coping" with mental illness which include an increase in alcohol intake, drug usage, or self-harm. Choosing to cope with something like exercise is choosing to better yourself overall. You are choosing to move forwards and not backwards on a journey to your happier and healthier self

In conclusion, fitness helped me pull myself out of a very dark place mentally, and it can help you too.

The hardest part is starting, so don't wait. Choose yourself, your health, and your betterment today by calling 210.495.3131 or contact us directly here.

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