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How to find the best training program for you!

Kenny McClendon

To find the best training program for you, you must first ask yourself this question, " What are my goals to improve my health and fitness?” Without the answer to this question you would not choose YOUR best workout, but be doing A workout.

Think of your best workout as something that is specifically for you that helps you to reach your goal or future destination.

Think of it like this... You wouldn’t just jump in your car and drive somewhere to where the location is unknown, would you? If you do, you are probably going to have some major difficulties getting there. The best way to achieve your goal or destination is have a plan or map to where you want to go.

How you decide on your goals depends on your resources, health limitations, availability, and most of all, PRIORITY. I can not tell you how many times I have heard people say, "I can't workout because I am working 15 hour days, going to school, have a family, and so forth". Many times people don’t know their goals for why they are even doing these things, which is also why you should apply this to your every day life and not just Your workout. If your goal is to provide for your family, save money, and further your career, how will you have met these goals when you are so burnt out during and after work that your health is dramatically affected. You can’t enjoy all your hard work because your standard of living has been affected because you gave up something that is so essential to your pursuit of happiness- your health. Prioritizing is a huge factor in the beginning stages of your workout plan and health.

To better priortize and put your health first, ask yourself these questions:

  • What can I go with out?

  • What is important to me?

  • Why do I want to start this exercise program?

  • What are my fitness goals?

  • How will this better enhance my mood, health, happiness, etc?

Now make a list of your priorities

MY PRIORITIES:________________________________________________________________



After you decide your priorities look them over and see where your health, happiness, time with family, enjoying your later years rank. I would hope that they would be near the top. If your priority list has health, happiness, spending quality time with family at the top of the list, you are one step closer to not finding A workout but Your workout.

For help with developing Your workout, stop by Fit Therapy of Texas or contact me by phone at 210.495.3131.

Live Well,


Kenny McClendon is the owner of Fit Therapy of Texas, where he helps individuals reach their fitness goals. He knows that it can be difficult to create short and long term attainable goals and is here to help you create a lasting, lifestyle change. He helps individuals reach their fitness goals whether that includes weightloss, muscle building, toning, learning the basics, and more. For more information, check out the website at

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